“Music Is Love” is a community partnership program between Opportunity Village and Friends Of Musicians.Vegas, both Nevada 501(c)3 non-profit corporations.
Now in its seventh month of operations, the MUSIC IS LOVE series is a program which will enhance the lives of people in our community with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and that will enrich the lives of their families.
MUSIC IS LOVE encompasses a series of monthly concerts and workshops held at Opportunity Village presented and performed by the professional musicians of AFM Local 369. The third Friday of each month will feature a concert by a group or band from AFM Local 369. Prior to each of the Friday concerts, the members of the performing group will go into the classrooms at Opportunity Village to demonstrate their instruments and some of the music that will be heard at the concert. These demonstrations are for all of the arts departments at Opportunity Village: music, dance and the visual arts. These will be interactive experiences for the Opportunity Village clients as they will be encouraged to touch and examine the instruments and perhaps know the joy that comes from making those instrumental sounds.
The Opportunity Village clients all learn the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song “Music Is Love” which they all sing and perform at the end of every concert. The commitment for this program is for it to become a long term and integral part of the standard experience at Opportunity Village.
The Music Performance Trust Fund (“M.P.T.F.”), through the American Federation of Musicians International, is underwriting 50% of the series & workshop costs, but additional funding is needed to sustain this partnership for the foreseeable future. ofessional musicians of AFM Local 369.